Monday, May 28

Daily DRone

Ok for some daily drone...

Yesterday's Pentecost Rally was great. I was really glad to play once again with the awesome band assembled by Jacob... he's really good with all these setup stuff.

But best part - is that Mum & Dad came for the mass at night. Before Mass started, there was Praise & Worship, and a time of prophecy, and a section on praying in tongues, and a section where Fr. Robert Faricy (USA) prayed for healing for those with back problems. I'm glad Mum & Dad witnessed those parts! Really really glad. So now they may understand what I actually do at YAM prayer meets!

Today I got asked the question - why don't I gossip? And i realised I didn't have the bible verses to back me up. I didn't have them at the tip of my head. So - how can I be that 'light' to the world like this?

Blame it on the catholic church?

Well at the youth forum at yesterday's Pentecost Rally, it was the concern of many of us. We had a thorough 'catechism' bashing time,.. where almost everyone in the group (and hall) felt that our catechism classes are inadequate at imparting a true love and understanding of our faith to us. I fully agree.

I mean how many of us feel the heartache at being such lousy witnesses for God? I certainly feel so. Not to mention, the personal inadequacies - such as i myself not knowing the Word and not being able to explain my faith. Why do i not do this? not do that? do this or do that? Is it all blind faith? I think it's not - just that we haven't put it into words - expressions, explanations.

So i think that pains my heart for now. Want to be a better evangeliser for christ..

Yet... also looking around to find examples in church.. where are they?

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