Tuesday, March 10

Just a thought...

Today my reflection is:

'Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you Meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Today, I feel "spiritual". After my meeting with my new msn friend yesterday nite, and after our like almost 3-hr chat about our faith.. that really brought out an "old flame" in my heart... that desire and longing to spread the good news, to tell people about God.

Today I had a hearty and wonderful dinner laughing till my stomach hurt. It was fun alright. Though, by the time I got home, I felt excited over a different matter. About giving session (aka, giving a talk, short input session during my youth prayer meetings).

I have not given a session at my youth group for at least a whole year or even more. I'd been all packed up with admin duties in the youth ministry all this while that I forgot I once loved preparing for sessions "each" week, researching and dwelling on the theme to be delivered, and really exercising my mind for it each week, being something like, a "teacher"/"mentor".

Today, I came home and my brain started going to overdrive once again (in a good sense)-- and I had so many ideas. Pity was not able to write it down!

Anyway.. I know that the Lord is doing something in me... there's some walls breaking down... walls of resistance, stubborness.. and now, humility and hunger is taking place... i'd stopped yearning to grow for so long that now, I feel that i've stepped once again into the "me" of 4-5 years ago, where I was totally excited and hungry for my faith.

Well, this is something that I will only write in my blog for now, since this is my pretty internal reflections on life and God. I shall let time take it's course. It might be too early to say anything! ;)

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