"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. - 1 Chronicles 28:20 (NIV)
It's been 10 years in ministry... with new commitments still coming in... since 2000 till today, I find that the path is still long ahead. Where will I go? I'd like to know. But I can only walk on... and enjoy the journey - with the Lord by my side. Sometimes I stop, or sometimes I walk ahead. Sometimes, I really don't wish to live very long. Life is too much of a struggle. Seriously. But I rejoice in knowing my Lord and saviour.
My life - is still a work in progress... So many more things to learn, change, develop, discover.... and I hope I don't get too intimidated. May the Lord give me new courage!
How I survived Ministry to this day?
Through the seasons of ministry life: tiredness, discouragement, disappointment and sin!
- Know my passion (that people come to "know" & experience God)
- Make GOD your passion - then it will be fun and interesting!
- Prioritise God into your life - then you will have time for ministry!
- Accept the call to serve - say "Here I am Lord"
- Know thyself - knowing yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, prevents you from placing unnecessary stresses on yourself or others.
- Manage your expectations of yourself and others (after you know yourself)
- Learn - voraciously. Read, read, read, read, as many things as you can take..
- Network - go for talks, workshops, camps, from other groups in the archdiocese.
- Be positive - because it helps you get through the bad times, and encourages others too..
- Enjoy the work - because you do it unto the Lord, not men!
- Be creative - explore new territories.
- Don't limit God - He can change you, give you new talents/abilities, etc... if you just say Yes (but of course, you will know when to say yes or no even more - when you understand yourself better).
- Give people space - allow errors, give people benefit of doubt
- Be kind - because you need people's kindness back too!
- Trust - your team - and trust God in bad times
- Faith - in God to always provide
- Wait - for the Right Time (His Time) - always comes after the storm aka the "learning experience"..
- Love God - because He placed me in this path for my own growth
- Pray - always, unceasingly
- Strive - persevere always for the vision/mission/ministry/your members
- Ask God for directions & Listen to Him
- Work with your team and be a friend to them as much as possible
- Try to achieve a work-life balance so that you will be able to enjoy and pursue the things you want in life and also devote to Ministry
- Never think you are indispensable - it will make you haughty...
- Guard against pride, and against judgementalism (it will make you unhappy)
- Dun give up the fight against temptations, sin, emotional cycles (feelings of high & low)
- Make "eternity" your goal
- Have spiritual encouragers in your life, e.g. Godly friends who can pray for you.
- Every day, read something that motivates (e.g. a bible verse of the day)
- Have spiritual inspiration habits (e.g. time to pray, reflect, read bible, ask yourself all the time - "what is God telling me in this season of my life?")
- Develop a healthy attitude towards Church practices/history/hierarchy/administration. e.g. priests, liturgical practices, etc.
- Integrity - do what you say. If not, dun make promises. Dun say yes and then don't deliver (that is worse)
- Recognise that you serve God in your own unique way (e.g. like for me, I can do a lot of admin... but i'm not good at some other stuff, which other people may be good at, etc)
- Never forget it is all about God (if we forget Him, we lose track and focus on ourselves).
- When you feel negative, give yourself some time off... or ask others for prayers.
- Dun give up!
- Dream big!