Saturday, January 1

I know what it is now!! 2005 resolutions!

Haha! I know it now!!! My resolutions for 2005!

Before I go into that, Just wanna thank God for the beautiful past year, and that I could celebrate the new year with my family. We went to Orchid Country Club for the New Year Countdown, with 2 other families who're best friends of my parents.. woah... so meaningful.. they're the same bunch of folks whom I went to Perth with. This time, their sons (Dad's Godsons, so my God-brothers) were at the party too... Marcus and Leonard..Me and Ju.. what an adventure..we so totally DID NOT want to do Line Dance! Anyways, it reminds me of our funny escapades when we all went on the Superstar Virgo (or Leo???) cruise some 5 years ago! Woah.. time flies! Now everyone big liao!!

Then well, having not had enough fun, I went to join the john10-10 bunch at Delphne's house..for a overnight VCD marathon! We watched Shrek2, Austin Powers Goldmember, and Taxi (1 or 2? I was too sleepy to notice)..

And now I've rushed back home to prepare to go out again for an urgent and necessary FYP meeting... which though it seems sad to have to be done on New Year's Day but the adrenaline which rushes thru just makes me go on. I wonder... Organising events.. I believe this is the kind of feeling which drives them on even though it's such hard work? Perhaps I should also really really give it a go. Yup yup.. PLUS work at mum's shop... WAH! I think I'm superwoman... okay maybe 1 at a time.. hehe...

So finally my resolutions (hope u're not sleeping by now):

Very crappy - 3 Rs!

1. Relationships - Build relationships, be more open, be less guarded and let my real self emerge.. be less shy and work on those complexes... survive working world culture... (since i prob will really start next year).. and develop a closer fellowship (koinonia) with the Holy Spirit which means more sharing, acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit, and praying in the Spirit.

2. Real - Be real, accept reality, being as real as possible ensures great efficiency; Do away with false masks and appearances, say what i mean and mean what I say, be a real friend, be a person of integrity.. Be real to myself, do away with false idealism, and deceptive lies. Be true. Seek the REAL thing.. authentism.. Jesus - Truth...

3. Read - Read. Go deeper in knowledge of God. Read all the 15 books on my list - only completed 1 this hols!!! Fulfill my desire to know how, why, what.. equip myself to explain and share the gospel. Fill my mind with useful things. Read the Bible - manuscript of life!

AND THAT'S IT! I'm pretty pleased with these 3 Rs! Thank God for inspiring me in the cab, on the journey back from Delphne's house! haha.. Just like that, after praying just the day before (i was totally clueless), for God to inspire me with the resolutions for 2005... Then suddenly I remember that Goal #1 was something I thought of during this year! Goal #2 is an issue that I wanna deal with. Goal #3 is something tangible that I can work towards to. Amen. :)

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