My 2009 Year
I am just only starting to think about what 2009 will be like. Certainly it is scary to imagine a whole new year ahead and the things of the 'future'. But i think what will be more scary is that the year will be "the same". Looking at my list of things i want to do, it pretty much goes back into the same things, like work on my exercise, web project or string stuff that is the SAME every year.
But anyway, its alright. Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be.
So now, at my present state (dreaming of a wonderful future... idealistic and naive perhaps)... I would wish for my 2009 year to be able to complete these things:
- - Continue Learning Japanese
- - Do Art. Get that exhibition idea going!
- - Visit Japan. If not, maybe Sarawak with Pau, or Cambodia, or anywhere affordable!
- - Play viola with NTU SO again
- - Get the string quartet going (incl website)
- - Do up the Worship Lifestyle website
- - OLPS Ensemble = make a CD?
- - Continue in OLPS Youth (1 more year term)
- - Arrange more photo outings
- - Exercise more (Tennis, Blading regularly!)
- - Take mama Penny, Mum & Dad out for more events/fun
- - Do some Poetry!
- - Continue serving in YAM (get new musicians to step up)
- - And last but not least, the foundation of everything, Prayer. To pray more consistently and wholeheartedly.
That's all. I am pretty ambitious eh. Or simple. How do you want to see it?