Friday, January 1

Hello 2010! My new year resolutions

This year, I greet the new year with trepidation. I fear many things. I don't want it to be the same like the previous 3 years. I want new things to happen. I fear myself getting into a blatant routine of week after week, and time passes away. I want to see results, yet I dread the work and efforts needed to be put in.

Therefore, this year, I make my resolutions without any assurance on my part. For the flesh is weak. But i trust God. “Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass.”-Ps. 37:5 (KJV)

I believe during my recollection when my ministry members prayed for me, that when I saw a little image of a crown... I believe God is trying to tell me this:

1 Corinthians 9:19-25
19Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. 22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

So this is my new year 2010 resolutions:

My spiritual resolution:
1) Remember 1 Corinthian 9:24-25 - I run in a way to get the crown that will last forever

My other resolutions:
2) Make the trip to Japan that I've been wishin and talking about for years!
3) Go on to Pre Advance course for Japanese language and try to speak more!
4) Do Art again - Make time to go for it!
5) Save $$$ more
6) Play some sport at least more regularly - let's try it back at a mere once a month! (wahaha, come on, it was like ZERO for the last 5 months!)
7) Explore the parks and un-visited places in Singapore! like Labrador Park... west coast, kranji, ALL the north estates (believe it or not, I have never been up north in like the last 5 years!?)
8) Get more gadget savvy - like finally own an ipod? and get a phone with wireless connection
9) Every alternate Sunday, get my folks out to do something together as a family, whether it is a park, or shopping, or movie or just dinner together.
10) Do not give up in Youth Ministry until I am ready to pass it over to a new set of leaders
11) Try at least 1 new foodie joint each month. I can start with that swedish place at Haji lane (flka??), one ntu mate (wonder if he remembers me)'s joint called hatched... and so forth!
12) To finally stop all treatments at the stupid facial place that is leeching money off me.

Actually most of them are nothing new, very similar to 2009... so I may also like to hope for new surprises as well in the coming year! ho ho ho!


Jeremiah 33:3 (New International Version)
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

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