Saw this movie today. It's a beautiful show and I recommend everyone to watch it. Very real, very positive, very good characters in the show. I love the sense of willpower and determination you get from Will Smith, who acts as Chris Gardner in the pursuit of 'happyness'.
It's great food for thought - happiness - it's indeed, one of the ultimate human goals. Everyone seeks to be happy, fulfilled, successful, loved, whatever. How do we define happy? What if our definition of happiness is narrower that it should be?
People feel happy when things are going easy. Or when people love them. On the contrary, they feel unhappy - because of so many things also: people, career, love, relationships, self-loathe, etc.
God always intends for us to find our joy not in the things of this world, - but in His very being. That's why he says, if we try to gain this life, we will lose it - if we lose this life, we will gain a life forever in Him. He says - delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4). He also says, the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Thinking of all these, gives me no more room to feel unhappy with ANYTHING at all!
Maybe I could be unhappy with some worldly things, but these won't last forever. On the contrary, certain things like living a righteous and holy life seeking the Will of God and being an instrument of Love towards others and speaker of the Good News of God --> may not be so nice - or "happy" on this earth - but it will give us eternal life with HIM in heaven. So then, what do we choose to be happy with?
Would we be happy if we had everything this world could give? Or if we had that nice branded bag? or if we had that luxurious car? or that handsome boyfriend?
Not too sure about that... i haven't got it yet.
But I already know the answer --- No.
Why we are unhappy with ourselves or lives, is precisely because we are chasing everything this world has to offer - only to find that we either can't get it, or that we've got it but it's not the answer to our lack of happiness.
We lack constantly. Love, money, fulfillment, purpose...
Just a week or two ago I was in a 'crisis'. I was wondering about my 'purpose'.
Maybe a friend or two (you know who you are) have their own crises too.... so the question is: Where do we put our priorities, identity, goals, in this life? Rather, HOW should we live our life?
These are huge questions that I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.
But deep inside me I know I had found the answer --- in Christ. When I realised Jesus truly exists and died for me and wants me to know that I am always loved, never alone, and always watched out for by the ONE who is truly in control - God,... I knew my answer in this whole universe is JESUS alone.
So I know it. Next, is living it out. That's the tough bit.
Well I hope if anyone is still wondering what is the meaning to their life - that they would ask God - the creator of life. And not just ask in a cynical way - that they would search - and truly search for God in this entire universe. because God states in the bible: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
Anyways... What a great movie weekend... Yesterday I watched Paris Je'Taime after the prayer meet at OLOL. Great show too. I liked some of the bits but got lost at some parts. All the same, it was lovely, so french, so whimsical.
Was playing guitar for the group there at Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL). It's such a privilege to play music for people to worship God. I am thankful for the opportunity, though Bro Emmanuel's talk on confession / repentance hasn't enough to move me to action yet.
Love has to be the motivating factor why we return to God and seek his forgiveness for our sins. But where's the line between love and fear? We may just return to God because of fear - of missing out - of eternal hell. Or because we have been required to. Or taught to. When I do go for confession, it shall be the time that is right --- then.
So then... I thank God for the week... that Jac has finally passed her driving test!... for Langkawi.... (still haven't got the pics out!!!).... for family, friends, job, life, and i just want to love and let myself be loved more. I'm waiting to see how God can surprise me even further.... He's already surprised me by giving me a very inspiring thought just yesterday morning - The thought that "I'm Free" and that my sins are forgiven.
Today then, I was hearing my audio adrenaline CD and then a song also inspired me --- it said -
"Your sins are forgotten / They're on the bottom / Of the ocean floor"
Lyrics: then, I leave today's blog feeling light, breezy, happy, blessed, thankful for His abundant Grace washing over me and cleansing me thru, making me feel as pure and white as snow and I can begin again - another new day of life..