Today was a fantastic time for us at the Taize Prayer session at OLPS. The OLPS ensemble played... i believe we have improved. Not perfect but in flow. Listening to the song. Singing along.
There were 6 people only in the audience. But we were happy. still. We heard Felix's testimony about God and Taize and how God touched him and guided him through his young days while making decisions. First time hearing his story. There's nothing that beats a personal Testimony.
Funny how inspirations, or creativity comes in the midst or after a crisis. Perhaps, that is when the human is provoked, challenged, only to soar to a new heights -- but of course, that's if one does not otherwise sink down into a pit.
I've settled down at work into a new job scope. Still understanding and trying it out. But i learnt one thing while discussing with Felix tonight... which is - in every transition, you can always look at it as an opportunity? or be demoralised. Which do i choose?
I believe, it's always good to wait. Perhaps, that is why God's message to me in the week before last, was of patience... of peace,... of waiting upon the Lord. So indeed, I can face this week, with joy amidst uncertainty.
And so I learnt something new again, in the last 5 days - that I can be as flexible as I can be. One can always adapt - after a while, to something new. Change is not easy but it's not impossible. It's the attitude that counts. Do i want to make things unpleasant - or easy for all?
Anyway, this blog post is titled "conviction" -- coz along this week, I've also reflected on the importance of CONVICTION. We can never get moving unless we are convicted about something. It takes a lot to get me convicted, but once I am, I stay convicted for a long time... loyal,... unwavering. Some people need more pushing - like me - some people are very driven, so maybe don't need.
In the bible, the apostles were convicted by the Holy Spirit - to go out to the ends of the earth, to preach the good news. But they needed a time of waiting before that... Jesus appeared to them (after his death!) and told them to wait until he sends the Holy Spirit - who would empower them for this mission ahead. So in all our service and mission in the world, we need to wait upon the Lord and for His Holy Spirit to convict our hearts.
Ok... I always have a tendency to spiritualise everything, someone once told me. Well, we are always looking for meaning in life - and I know my answer lies in Christ..
This was a good excerpt I read today from Os Hillman's Daily devotions:
Ultimately, God desires us to live a life of obedience and intimacy rooted in conviction. We obey His commands from a heart of love and devotion. During the crisis phase we discover the personal love of God in our lives which we had never experienced before. Most of us will get to this phase of our walk with God by first living a life of convenience, then we will go through the crisis that will them lead us into an intimate love relationship with God.
The Christian life can be summed up in one word-love. God's desire for each of us is to know Him intimately and to love Him with all of our heart. Have you told your Heavenly Father you love Him today?
And last but not least - today is time to smile!!! ;) READ this funny joke that had me laughing!
You were riding a bus, when you suddenly fart. Luckily the music isvery loud. Every time you farted, you timed i t with the music.When you were going down the bus, everybody were throwing daggerlooks at you, and you suddenly realized . . . . . that you have your MP3player on your ears!