Was just reading on Nietzche who wrote about how virtues like patience and obedience are just constructs by the weak in the attempt to make weakness good, and how egoism is bad.. He says there's no such thing as good and evil, cept that it's a religious concept.. also he wrote that 'God is Dead' and now life is for man to determine based on his own will.. in his 'Will to Power'...
While few philosophers would claim to be nihilists, nihilism is most often
associated with Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche defined the term as any philosophy that, rejecting the real world around us and physical existence along with it, results in an apathy toward life and a poisoning of the human soul - and opposed it vehemently. He describes it as "the will to nothingness" - in this sense the philosophical equivalent to the Russian political movement mentioned above: the irrational leap beyond
skepticism - the desire to destroy meaning, knowledge, and value. To him, it was
irrational because the human soul thrives on value. Nihilism, then, was in a
sense like suicide and mass murder all at once. He saw this philosophy as
present in Christianity and Christian morality, which he describes as slave morality, and in asceticism and any excessively skeptical philosophy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism
Gosh.. cheem.. but interesting..
Shucks.. i should be studying.... help help!!! ARHHhh!!
HOW!?? I have totallytotally totally no interest in this subject! MEDIA LAW! How am I gonna be in the media industry in the future? Frankly.. I don't see myself there..
The future? I am not so positive at this moment... bleak. Dystopian. yeah... ahhh i like that word.. dunno what it means? go check it out..
I STILL don't think I am where I should be. Then again.... perhaps I'll be feeling like that forever.. JC, Now... when does it end... when will I ever find what I REALLY want to do? Will I have to break out of the confines of family and friends to do what I really want to do? Or my own limitations and expectations and comfort?
It's scary. I don't want to live a mediocre life. No way. But then, do i have the guts to go for what I really want... that life which is perfect? No... life will never be perfect.
I am really idealistic... But I believe, my whole being will not be at rest if I have not found what I really want...
Perhaps it all lies in Jesus. Yup, like I always say, he's the answer to everything. OKay right now, I'm all caught up in the studying, or the 'trying-to-study' mode and feeling once again all the angst and regret for being so lousy at the subject.
I ought to practice what I preach....
Our thoughts,... yes, just thoughts alone.. can lead to victory or defeat...
Evil thoughts, self-defeating thoughts, deceitful thoughts, jealous thoughts, proud thoughts, lustful thoughts, greedy thoughts, argumentative thoughts, lazy thoughts, self-pity thoughts, idle thoughts,...
VERSUS God's intended...
pure thoughts, holy thoughts, good thoughts, kind thoughts, joyful thoughts, positive thoughts, creative thoughts, generous thougths, determined thoughts, humble thoughts...
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is
noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is
admirable?if anything is excellent or praiseworthy?think about such things.
ONE DAY (More than enough)
More than I can hope of dream of, You have poured your favour on me One day in House of God is Better than a thousand days in the world SO blessed, I can't contain it, So much I've gotta give it away Your love has taught me to live now You are more than enough for me
The battle is won in the MIND...
I won a battle today. Everyday there is battle in the spiritual realms. We battle inside of us, our spirits longing to fulfil everything good (following God's way, loving others, working hard, seeking success and good deeds).... and on the other hand, sometimes, just on the sudden,... something in us begin on a SELF-DESTRUCTIVE path, that we can't control, nor understand, nor really accept, nor realise...
And when we finally do realise it... we give logical explanations and reasons to justify our actions. BUT WE ARE NOT JUSTIFIED BY REASON OR LOGIC in God's eyes. WE are justified by NOTHING on this earth....BUT..."a person is put right with God only through faith..." (Romans 3: 28)
Yup, and just as JU did that really cool blog on Lecture 3 on Happiness, I wish I could go into a long one about Romans... I love Romans (THAT is a book in the Bible, for those who don't know.. ;P)
I can never get tired of it.. and find that when my faith wavers and starts to weaken, I must go back to this part once more, to read about how:
1. No one is Righteous
(nope this is not just a philosophical statement from the christians but a Bible Truth. If ppl don't believe just because they think it's something man created to control other men,... sorry.. they have not recognised God's presence and God's VOICE!)
2. How God puts us Right with Him - He does so through our faith in Jesus Christ
3. God's promise is received through Faith - The promises of God are received if we have faith that NEVER weakens, leaves us, nor wavers - the faith that believes that Jesus Christ was given over to die because of our sins and was rasied to life in order to put us right with God.
4. When we are put right with God through faith, we have hope, and are saved.
5. As one sin condemned all mankind (thru Adam), one righteous act (christ) sets all mankind free and gives them life.
6. By our baptism, we died to sin and are now alive in union with Christ - And so we are to think of ourselves as dead - so far as sin is concerned - but living in fellowship with God through Christ Jesus.
7. We are now slaves of righteousness and holy purposes - "When you were slaves of sin, you were FREE from righteousness. What did you gain from doing the things that you are now ashamed of? The result of those things is death! But now you have been set free from sin and are the slaves of God. Your gain is a life fully dedicated to him, and the result is eternal life. For sin pays its wage--death; but God's free gift is ETERNAL LIFE in union with Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:20-23)
8. BUT there is conflict in man - (Romans 7:15) - I do not understand what I do; for I don't do what I would like to do, but instead I do what I hate.
9. Life in the Spirit calls for us to not live as our human nature would do - Those who live as their human nature tells them to have their minds controlled by what human nature wants. Those who live as the Spirit tells them to have their minds controlled by what the Spirit wants. TO be controlled by human nature results in DEATH; to be controlled by the Spirit results in LIFE and PEACE. ..... Those who obey their human nature cannot please God.
10. When we live in the Spirit, we become Children of God - For the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, "Father! Father!".... (Romans 8:17)- Since we are his children, we will possess the blessings he keeps for his people, and we will also possess with Christ what God has kept for him; for if we share in Christ's sufferings we will also share his glory.
Other Romans Quotes:
- "All of creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed." (Rom8:19)
- "If we hope for what we do not see, we will wait for it with patience." (Rom8:25)
- "We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose." (Rom8:28)
- "If GOd is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom8:31)
- "Nothing can separate us from God's love... which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord."(Rom8:39)
- "Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed."(Rom10:11)
- "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ."(Rom10:17)
- "Everything written in the scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which the scriptures teach us."(Rom15:4)
A last one:
"Take up the weapons of the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop paying attention to your sinful nature and satisfying its desires" (Romans13:14)
Lord I'm safe with you, caught up into, Your holy throne in worship...
Lord I lift my hands, and join the angels, to proclaim the Lord is holy..
Final word from me:
In the mundane, we experience joys, hardships, ups, downs, and make our own petty decisions each day regarding our lives. But what greater thing it is to be lifted from having to govern and control and really make sure our lives are right, to enter into God's presence and accept His ways and purpose for us? Our lives will always be a mess (in a way) and there is always something lacking...
We will never be satisfied for all of eternity if we are living in the flesh, according to our human nature. BUT when we know Christ and not only know him but ACCEPT him and follow after Him, we transcend from mere human existence to an almost "divine" state whereby we are in fellowship with God, the creator of the universe.. we converse with him, we are one with Him, and His Spirit comes to live in us, and govern our lives. And doing so, we may experience God's Glory shining forth in us. What a wonder. What a wonder...
It's amazing how after a few days of anguished cries and prayers for help that God really answers.
How does He answer?
A simple sms from a friend asking how am I. A phone call from a friend which brings me joy and the feeling that i'm not so alone in this world. Some good encouraging responses from my FYP client and FYP supervisor (i was expecting just a so-so answer) and a group of really hardworking and dedicated teammates (who are all furiously thinking with me, on how to solve the problem of how to sell our product to our target audience in the most best method...headache this one!).
While things seem so tough, I can still stop by and appreciate the good things that are there, simply so that God may be praised, for He is all things good.
And when things look tough, it is Him trying to produce in me an even better character. Growth, change, struggles, need to come about before I can truly learn to be creative. And I tell you, I am so so so challenged. To be disciplined. To study hard. To believe why studies matter (I always hate it nowadays). To not give up on my accounting elective!!! (that needs a miracle...)
And after doing an essay about George Orwell in my creativity & arts as therapy course, I feel so encouraged to stand for what i believe in. I mean.. George was a conservative in everything except politics. I feel like I too, more and more as I journey on, seem to develop a similar side regarding my faith. And so if that be the way to go, if one is supposed to live out one's dreams, and live for one's passion, certainly, I do not see a typical future ahead. Where will this passion lead me? Where would I go? IT's exciting to dream.. and as conservative as I am, I am really dreaming big here.. and only because I know God is behind me.
But then again, the pressures of this world conforms me, and I have to find that delicate balance between conformity and living it out as I would want. I never thought of it, but now I do.. Life is ours to live, why can't we live the way we want? - Well, unless if what we want is a life of debauchery, laziness, greed, I believe, if we truly want to live a life in Christ, it is the best choice.
So we should GO for IT! 101%! If a goal of living life the way I Want can spur people to really living life out (eg. Madonna wanted to live to be popular) WHAT MORE if what we wanted was to live a life in Christ. Why can't that be a valid dream? Ironic how people don't seem to see it... not talking about non-christians, but the Christians themselves.
For nothing else in this world matters, if we do not have Christ. When we die and move on into the eternal, what really counts is if we have stored up our eternal treasures, rather than earthly gains.
Difficulties, weakness, trials and temptations.. all these call for character...
Philippians 3: 7-11The world needs men and women.......
a.. who cannot be bought;
b.. whose word is their bond;
c.. who put character above wealth;
d.. who possess opinions and a will;
e.. who are larger than their vocations;
f.. who do not hesitate to take chances;
g.. who will not lose their individuality in a crowd;
h.. who will make no compromise with wrong;
i.. whose ambitions are not confined to their own selfish desires;
j.. who will not say they do it "because everybody else does it";
k.. who are true to their friends through good report and evil report in adversity as well as in prosperity;
l.. who do not believe that shrewdness, cunning, and hardheartedness are the best qualities for winning success;
m.. who are not ashamed or afraid to stand for the truth when it is unpopular;
n.. who can say "no" with emphasis, although all the rest of the world says "yes."
Does what's easiest vs Does what's right
Controlled by moods vs Controlled by values
Looks for excuses vs Looks for solutions
Quits when challenged vs Perseveres when challenged
Relies on external motivation vs Relies on internal motivation
Words and actions don't match vs Words and actions agree
Choices lead to failure vs Choices add up to success
Verse of the day
"A man finds joy in giving an apt reply; and how good is a timely word!" -- Proverbs 15:23
My answer...
An exerpt from Word Among Us... click here
Friday, October 22, 2004
Luke 12; 54-59
Some experts tell us we make as many as two hundred conscious decisions every day. Some of these are small, and others are very big and carry profound consequences. Wouldn't it be great if we could make the right decision all the time? In a sense, Jesus' words on discerning the signs of the times stand behind this concern. If we could only know what God wants, we would find it a lot easier to decide!
God's will isn't meant to be mysterious and unapproachable. In fact, Scripture is filled with the conviction that it really is possible to understand spiritual realities. In his book, What Does God Want?, Fr. Michael Scanlan proposes five basic questions to ask when facing an important decision. First: Does it conform to God's law as revealed through Scripture, tradition, and the teaching of the church? If it doesn't, we simply cannot do it.
Second: Does it foster personal conversion and growth in holiness? As we make decisions that deepen our union with God, the life of Christ will become more evident in our own.
Third: Is it consistent? Many of our decisions will flow directly from previous decisions; providing, of course, that our previous decisions bore good fruit! God may give us new challenges and take us in new directions, but he tends to reveal them in a manner consistent with how he has spoken to us in the past.
Fourth: What confirms it? After we make a decision, God usually sends some confirmation, maybe by opening doors that were once closed, revealing needed resources, or through affirming words spoken by a trusted friend. Of course, there are times when we just have to decide on something and then examine its fruit. Experience isn't the best teacher; evaluated experience is!
Fifth: What does your heart say? We should cautiously consider the difference between peace of the heart and the conclusion of the mind. The head may say yes, but until the heart is convinced, we may experience 'decision gridlock.' This doesn't mean that we will like everything God asks us to do. But deep down, we will want to do it.
God is not playing hide-and-seek. When we seek his help in making key decisions, he will guide us.
"Father, I trust in your plan for my life. I know that you want what is best for me. Help me, Father, in all the challenging decisions I face."
Have a break.. have a kit kat! The oh-so-familiar slogan...
It's impossible to work round the clock. Your body just starts up a revolution and sooner or later, you find that by 10 O'clock sharp your system begins to show signs of lagging, hanging, and it's just a matter of minutes to shut down. Uh okay its amazing that i'm still here at 11pm... but well.. shut down is quite imminent, so i better say my last words before I do go call it a day...
Sometimes I marvel at how quickly the day passes. It's just busy busy busy... work work work.. and being tired... and thinking of all the things that are not done... and then life doesn't seem so meaningful, what's all these about? Exactly like chasing the wind.
Then again, I remember to take a little step back... enjoy some good music.. thank God for the good work I did today.. yes my FYP group held our very first Focus Group Study! It was cool.. And I did enjoy sitting behind the glassed windows adjusting the camera to catch everyone's expressions... and now at home.. my brain's too spaced out to do more work ... spirit is willing but flesh is weak. In fact, spirit is also weak... i wanna do, but then again i dun wanna do.. sigh sigh sigh...
Like my GE.. i'm supposed to do a Flash website.. about a shop.. so of course i'm doing my mum's shop. But then again.. it's been 2 weeks since it started and I haven't done a thing... WHY i just can't understand.. I like to do flash.. but when it comes to doing it, I balk. I stop short. I just stop. Roadblock. Is it fear? Is it a certain unbalanced kind of perception about it?
That's why I feel I can't go into design. For fun it's okay. For pleasure. For a good cause perhaps.. like the project I did for my youth group. But for something else? Maybe this is a strong indicator of where my interests lie. Youth Ministry. FULL STOP.
I can't think of anything else. Help GOd.. is this an obsession? OR is this something you want me to do in my life? I am really scared when I think of how you want my life to be. What will it be?
It's a mystery. ANd my heart goes out to all those who need to take a step back and ponder over the meaning of life. I mean... everything works unto the Lord. All our works, will be useless if not done with the eternal in mind. That's why Ecclesiastes says Useless useless, all is useless...
One day, I wanna write a book. I recently read of George Orwell's life (doing him for a presentation on a creative personality). I think I'm somewhat like him. Ironically. He was a conservative in everything except politics. He had a passion for the oppressed and never liked the totalitarian system. He distrusted the future and relished the past.
How am I like him? (maybe you may not see it but i do) Well.. I am quite mild.. don't have much strong views in anything except Christianity...I have a passion for the spiritually poor.. I don't like the entertainment-consumer-modernculture-focus-on-looks system... I distrust the future and relish the past..
Now that's bad.. how can i possibly go on if I relish the past?
Struggle. That's where creativity blossoms isn't it?
One more thing.. i think i love to write. It may not seem as wildly passionate as Orwell, who knew from 5 years old that he would be a writer. But I know now that it's the way I communicate. While I talk, I prefer a lot to write. Maybe one day the ratio will be more balanced.
So now... let me relax a bit more... it's my kit kat time.. tmrw back to work again.. Once again.. on my flash project. It must progress this time... it must..
I am freeking out! Konked out last night (I hate konking out!) and now there's a presentation this afternoon and i haven't written my essayyyyyyy!!!! Well.. though it's JUST a 1000 word essay (not too long if you think about it.. only 1-half page... ) it needs TIME! And when I'm panicked like this.. i can't think!!!
Okay i shall go get some proper breakfast then go do it.. as calm as I can ... after all it's only a Elective!
WHY DO I PANIC like this? I think it's that perfectionist streak in me.. I want it good. If not, I don't wanna do it at all.. sigh.. sometimes.. it is a barrier to actual effectiveness...
FYP has also gotten me thinking a lot on how to manage people, a team, interpersonal communication, leadership skills, while I am trying to learn, it is a really humbling and terrifying and yet pleasurable experience.. I guess that's growing. And getting out of one's comfort zone!
Esther,... you inspire me with the Everest Dream... I think everyone should be bold and daring to dream such dreams. You go gal!
Was just pondering over the Book of Ecclesiastes from the Bible a few days ago with my trusty old friend Ruby & we were laughing over how it sounds so funny.. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon, son of David & King of Jerusalem talks all about how useless life is,.. how we chase after the wind and end up catching nothing.. we thought it was seriously FUNNY! He goes "'Useless! Useless! Everything is useless!" Well.. true.. All of life is meaningless when it is lived without reference to God. There's so many lessons to be learnt from it.. ! See article below...
Remember Your Creator While Young
Read Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8
Solomon is no dreary pessimist in 11:7 - 12:14. He encourages us to rejoice in every day but to remember that eternity is far longer than a person's life span. Psalm 90:12 says, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." The wise person does not just think about the moment and its impact; he or she takes the long-range view toward eternity. Approach your decisions from God's perspective - consider their impact your decisions from God's perspective - consider their impact ten years from now and into eternity. Live with the attitude that although our lives are short, we will live with God forever.
We often hear people say, "It doesn't matter." But many of your choices will be irreversible - they will stay with you for a lifetime. What you do when you're young does matter. Enjoy life now, but don't do anything physically, morally, or spiritually that will prevent you from enjoying life when you are old.
A life without God can produce a bitter, lonely, and hopeless old age. A life centered around God is fulfilling; it will make the "days of trouble" - when disabilities, sickness, and handicaps cause barriers to enjoying life - satisfying because of the hope of eternal life. Being young is exciting. But the excitement of youth can become a barrier to closeness with God if it makes young people focus on passing pleasures instead of eternal values. Make your strength available to God when it is still yours - during your youthful years. Don't waste it on evil or meaningless activities that become bad habits and make you callous. Seek God now.
The silver cord, golden bowl, pitcher, and wheel symbolize life's fragility. How easily death comes to us; how swiftly and unexpectedly we can return to the dust from which we came. Therefore, we should recognize life as a precious resource to be used wisely and not squandered frivolously.
Stripped of God's Spirit, our bodies return to dust. Stripped of God's purpose, our work is in vain. Stripped of God's love, our service is futile. We must put God first over all we do and in all we do because without him we have nothing. Knowing that life is futile without God motivates the wise person to seek God first.
This comparison of the human body to a house is extremely beautiful. The inference is obvious that our bodies are not ourselves, but only our tenement. Our sojourn in this world is on a lodger's tenure. "The keepers of the house" are, of course, the arms and hands. "The grinding is low" as in advancing life we lose our teeth. The "door" is the mouth, for in age we talk and laugh less, and our lips become compressed. The voice falters and mutters. The "almond tree," with its white blossoms, is, of course, an appropriate symbol of old age. The lamp of life finally falls with a crash on the floor, and the "wheel" is broken.
What, then, is the conclusion of the whole matter? This: that earthly delights are transient; that all this world can offer is an inn for a lodging - it is not our home; that the soul must go forth on its great quest at the hour of death; and that then the one all-important consideration will be, What has been its attitude toward God? Let us love God with the loving fear of grieving him that casts out the fear which has torment. This is the "whole" matter; that is, the one matter of overshadowing importance.
Simply it means an Auburn Sky... shame on those who can't tell... well let me tell you what an auburn sky is.. it is simply the magnificent sunset.. or sunrise, whatever.. (i prefer sunset though)
YAY my blog has been revamped. Don't quite like the plain style... though i did try to revamp the font colours a bit... Anyways.. yeah the colour for the season is pink and blue.. hahaa..
Howdy ho!!! GOsh it's been a month! And I've yet to do this and that and this and that.. but i'm so glad i've done this and that and this and that! mwahahaa...
OKay what have I been doing the past month? FYP...!!! Marina Country Club membership for undergraduates.. i'm beginning to get used to MCC, maybe I'll get one for myself.. but then no car to drive all the way to Punggol! ; And I don't really like gym, nor ktv, nor wakeboarding.. now what could I do there anyway!
Anyways,.. I've gotten braces! Ouch... old memories of having braces at just Primary 3 come back to haunt me.. I'm brave though.. "IT's OKAY!" I declare.. then.. I groan all day about the pain.. haha.. sighs!
Well... i've stopped going for facial and now going to a clinic for my face... i'm like travelling everywhere trying out all things.. sigh.. not very good not very successful.. but this one is good so far.. back to REtin A again! i really hope it will work this time...
And well, I loved the makeover I did when I went to my cousin's wedding... Woah.. japanese hairdo,.. u can see the pic on Friendster.. hehe.. I loved it... maybe I should invest a bit more into learning to style my hair and do makeup.. Well.. not to mention.. I managed to find heels that fit my big feet! A whole of a size 10, I always never managed to find shoes.. but for this dinner, I found this cool shop at City Plaza at tanjong katong..(thanks to mum actually).. and we got like a few pairs each! Mwahahah now I have A LOT of heeled shoes!! Gotta be more lady-like hmmmm!
But I like being in simple white or black top and just jeans. Just Jeans. with my dark-rimmed specs.. slacker style sling bag.. of course,.. i WISH i had more funky hair (but too lazy to style it.. luckily it's just been cut. so still got shape)....
And well... I think this sem more than ever, i've gotten sick quite a lot.. pneumonia for 2 weeks.. then food poisoning (diarrhoea) for an intense 3 day period just couple of weeks ago. Since then, work has been piling up since exams and project due dates are just round the corner.. AND ONCE AGAIN,.. I'm never free..
AT THIS PRESENT MOMENT... i have to: 1. Do my flash project due this Thursday (Which i haven't really started yet!! Panic! AHhH! Designer block!! Procrastination! Panic! AHhH!H!)... 2. Do my presentation with my 2 other group members for this subject called Creativity & Art as Therapy. Yup .. we gotta research a person who was "creative"... 3. FYP! THis one never ends... 4. Find a scientific calculator and practice my basic accounting.. still no time to get down to this... 5. Go convert the perth videos to DVD/VCD. Yeah.. this is backlogged from June! Then again.. I don't know how to use FinalCut pro!! (the converting software) Someone teach me! ..... 6. Read my notes for exam in 2 weeks time.
I feel like a log now.. with a hurting jaw...
Man I just wanna create cute icons with this cute icon-creating software I downloaded...
Wanted to convert a DVD to VCD for mum, but no matter how many free-trial DVD-VCD converting software I download from the net it does not work! They all want $$$. Spent the whole night yesterday trying to find a good prog which is also free! I Give up! Maybe it does not exist without $$$... Well I Better not spoil my new laptop so fast just downloading and then deleting those useless programmes.
ANd well.. it's been a long update. What else? I think.. that last Friday's session at John 10:10 was simply awesome... Our topic was worship... and we felt that most ppl just go there and stand and sing the songs without really feeling God's presence... so what we did last friday was to have a mega long worship session, and to incorporate a lot of reflection passages while music was playing softly in the background.. gives ppl a very nice atmosphere to really realise that God is present. It was super duper session, I just thank God and one word rings in my mind - Breakthrough!
Breakthrough.. I need a breakthrough with my pile of work and tired mentality. I need energy. I need to press on! I need strength...
And then, i just slump onto my chair and exclaim, "O God help me!!!!"