Isn't it funny? Call it coincidence or the truth that God really speaks to us through His Living Word - the Bible...!
A few days ago, I posted the verse from Jeremiah 33:3. (See two posts below)
Then today I received a mail from CFAN (reinhard bonnke's ministry) which was asking for prayer intentions and also had a donation slip in case I would like to donate anything.
What struck me was that right at the top was this same verse AGAIN --- "Jeremiah 33:3!"
Is this a coincidence or what! (Trust me.. it is God speaking)
"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer. 33:3).Reading further, the verses makes perfect sense, because I've been asking God for a long time now what He wants me to do really and I am like really hoping to hear what He has for me... and also wishing at the same time that I won't be to fearful to hear what it is.
I went on to read the whole chapter of Jeremiah 33 and found that it really makes sense for me now! Praise God! His message of peace, healing, restoration, is like a calming breeze blowing over me. He says he will restore the prosperity of this land
to what it was in the past. I don't know what this really means for me but I just know that it refers to my spiritual 'state'.
But i think i need to provide the context for this --- Iwan had shared with me a verse (that he felt was for me) about
2 months ago, from
Revelations 2 -- it said this:
2:2 I know your works, and your toil and perseverance, and that you can't tolerate evil men, and have tested those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them false.
2:3 You have perseverance and have endured for my name's sake, and have not grown weary.
2:4 But I have this against you, that you left your first love. 2:5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I am coming to you swiftly, and will move your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent.
Then, this was so true for me... because after the Ablaze youth rally last September, I was tired. I had the 'works', the 'toil' and the 'perseverance'. Yes I couldn't tolerate 'evil' men - as in those who go to church but are just half-past-six about their faith. Yes I wanted to go on in ministry, even though people or my own human wisdom was questioning.
But the fact is -- I had lost my 'first love'. That of God. I was more disappointed because I expected God to make things so much more different. I wanted more people to serve in the ministry. I wanted many things... and held a grudge with God for calling me to do this 'difficult' work of ministry. So the message was to repent.
With that context in place, this new verse makes more sense. God is coming to restore this land to what it was in the past. My spiritual relationship with Him.
And the last line especially:
Jer 33:26 "I will never abandon the descendants of
Jacob or David, my servant, or change the plan that David's descendants will rule the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead, I will restore them to their land and have mercy on them."
The word 'abandon' is special to me. Because the very first time I heard God speak in my heart at the Youth YISS camp in 1999, it was the phrase,
"I did not abandon you!" (I did not forget you...)Isn't this really a visible way God speaks to his people and encourages His believers?
I urge you, if you are reading, to pray to Him and let God speak to you in the deepest recesses of your heart.
Read Jeremiah 33: