Monday, May 28

Singapore Twister seen from Robinson Centre

Think I managed to catch it from at least near the beginning till the end. We were all crowding at the window going.. what's that? Tornado!!!! Some guy in the office then started calling his family and kids to go and look.. it was hilarious... we had a super 10 or so minutes of break gawking at the window till the whole thing faded off. Thank God it missed the ship...! In the 3rd pic below u'll see an airplane heading into the 'spout' but actually it was pretty far away :)

Daily DRone

Ok for some daily drone...

Yesterday's Pentecost Rally was great. I was really glad to play once again with the awesome band assembled by Jacob... he's really good with all these setup stuff.

But best part - is that Mum & Dad came for the mass at night. Before Mass started, there was Praise & Worship, and a time of prophecy, and a section on praying in tongues, and a section where Fr. Robert Faricy (USA) prayed for healing for those with back problems. I'm glad Mum & Dad witnessed those parts! Really really glad. So now they may understand what I actually do at YAM prayer meets!

Today I got asked the question - why don't I gossip? And i realised I didn't have the bible verses to back me up. I didn't have them at the tip of my head. So - how can I be that 'light' to the world like this?

Blame it on the catholic church?

Well at the youth forum at yesterday's Pentecost Rally, it was the concern of many of us. We had a thorough 'catechism' bashing time,.. where almost everyone in the group (and hall) felt that our catechism classes are inadequate at imparting a true love and understanding of our faith to us. I fully agree.

I mean how many of us feel the heartache at being such lousy witnesses for God? I certainly feel so. Not to mention, the personal inadequacies - such as i myself not knowing the Word and not being able to explain my faith. Why do i not do this? not do that? do this or do that? Is it all blind faith? I think it's not - just that we haven't put it into words - expressions, explanations.

So i think that pains my heart for now. Want to be a better evangeliser for christ..

Yet... also looking around to find examples in church.. where are they?

Friday, May 25

God's call is inexplicable. Can't be explained.

This reflection at really starts me thinking.

Sometimes in the past, I got confused with what the bible says and what I'm brought up to think. We're told - God will help you but you must help yourself first - this is sensible - that means God gives us common sense and we must use it first. But we tend to just take it in the natural senses that many things are up to us, not God. We then eliminate God from the rational thought processes. We make our decisions based on our rational human thinking without God's spirit. It's not helped by the fact that many of us with a fair amount of intelligence, can make it far based on our own levels of intelligence and our own skills, a product of God's blessing no doubt.

But then, where is the element of bold trust in the unknown, the impossible, and the seeming foolishness? If we walked by the totally rational, logical ways of our brains and the world, we'd never take up the call to serve God. Why? because we'll be stupid to do that. We'll be foolish. Why do that? Why waste time on... 'church'?

I had a thought today - that God is everything, we are nothing. If one does not waste time on the Lord, the creator of all the universe, the giver of life, the prince of peace - where do we find our own sense of belonging, identity, purpose, mission and uniqueness?

Nothing can compare to the all-surpassing love of Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, May 23

Clinging on VS Letting go

This week has been phenomenal. especially in my church youth group YAM. After a super session with live video conferencing with Paul who's studying in Australia, and a session on "why we must fight" i believe God is just moving everyone.

Suddenly everyone is enthusiastic about prayer, about getting more deeper or serious with God.

But just as these are happening, I am trying to keep my eyes open. For we need to watch these seed that it is sown into a fertile ground, not the rocky sand.

Tonight... after doing a million things this whole day, i look at the computer with zombified eyes.. but really glad because of a few things: That I can actually tangibly see God's Spirit moving each us into unity and action.

I can see God moving all of us out of our comfort zones. As much as I resist or struggle... I can see His call for me more clearly.

Basically, for now, it is whether I want to cling onto the boat or let go and walk on water.

Whether i want to cling on to the habits, old ways, old thoughts, (for fear of new things, change); versus letting them all go and go God's way - narrow path yet full of joy and victory.

Am I going to stay put or fight in God's army?

If i'm going to fight, i've gotta move.. and i've gotta get fit - spiritually. That laziness physically is also a spiritual one. It's never 2 separate things.. all things interlink. So sometimes, we get physically hungry, could be spiritually, we're trying to fill a void - with physical food - coz that's all we know of.

So then. If it's hard to give up,.. all the better. That's the right way to go.

God's call is tough indeed.

Somehow at this point of life, I thank God that I've managed to come to a point where I can see so clearly the 'forked' crossroads - where I choose distinctly between God, or not. Many christians never get to that phase or seldom want to seek God so clearly. . content to live with just being a good christian... or rather, as least 'holy' as possible because being a 'holy' christian is tough and sometimes, stupid - irrelevant or backdated.

But everyone will come to a forked road one day - be it choices, or plain decisions.

And at the last day, we will still have to choose - God? or Not.

What is our decision - on our last day? And If our last day was today?

Friday, May 11

Sacre Coeur

Finally, here's the pictures of my 6-week long journey (27 March - 20 May) painting the SACRE COEUR (Sacred Heart), a church in France, Montmartre. Of course, the art classes were more like chill out so as u can see - each lesson was painfully slow!! I can't believe I changed the sky almost each session at least.

But it was fun. Next would be a view of Singapore - set to be dedicated to Ju! That would be even more challenging (all those old, brown tones.. )

As for this church in France, it was indeed a magnificent church, Catholic one at that, and reminds me of the Taj Mahal! I shall always remember visiting it - with Ju - in 2005... and all the fun phototaking, sights and food!

Here's the journey:

Week 1 - image not captured. The drawing was splendid but once the colour was added, it looked terrible.

Week 2&3 - In week 2, after my building looked too white I made it peachy coloured. But then it became too pink. So in week 3, it was back to white-blue... but then i got stuck with the sky looking unnaturally blue at the top.

Week 4&5 - In week 4, did the people, gave the building more blue tones and depth.. and made the sky less wild... Week 5: Intensified everything and drew in another tree - & windows on the domes.

Week 6 - Changed the sky again! With the teacher's help, got a nice cobalt blue in comparison to my previous blue. Then... added final highlights to the people, trees, etc. Won't say it's really finished yet.. still so many more things to do. But as with any art piece - this expresses my ability at this point of time.. after learning for somewhat 10 months now? It's still only just started!

Btw.. i just saw a docu on Gabriel Ng - 12-yr old child violinist... he is so good! It's so wonderful to pursue your dreams!

Thursday, May 10

It's been a super long time since i last blogged. Been very badly disciplined - sleeping late, watching vcd & anime and so forth. Harr.. i better change the habit... get back to 1am at latest.. heh.. (now it's like 2-3am each night)!

So well.. having a bit of designer's block while doing my jazzical belles site. I like to think in white and gray tones but to make the site look like purple with floral patterns all... i think it's hard. Well, my design skills are not as great as I would like it to be.

Anyway.. i have proclaimed my painting of SACRE COEUR (a church in France) finished. I took 6 sessions for it... man.. that's like worth $187.5 of lesson fees! But once again, lessons are not just lessons. It's like our destress time of the week - where we begin around 7plus and stay there, chatting, eating, whatever till midnight! It's really cool.. and i actually do miss the people at Art class when we skip a week (last Tues was May Day and I felt it lor!)

Recently, there's some hype about En-bloc sale of Hua Xin Court. Hmmm... when i first heard it I was like - gosh.. the idea sounded so foreign. Never in my dreams have i thought of moving away.. now this idea presents itself - the idea of being uprooted and moving to a new home - is totally not my cup of tea.

But there's no conclusion yet - phew - and i hope we won't move. Why move just because someone made an offer to us? Maybe want to build some 3-4 blocks of houses in the large space at HXC and make loads of money. I won't move just for that.

Money is not everything. Our house is splendid and i think for that worth of money, even if we find another place - it wouldn't be the same.

But then again. this comes to the question of change. We must be willing to adapt - not tooo fixed.. our homes literally speaking (as christians) are in heaven so our earthly journey is just a passage way - so moving house? No big deal right?

Yup indeed.. actually i neededn't be scared. If my home is found in Jesus - what have i to fear!

Oh well.. much said.. for me - going through another round of internal reflections and time of change.. it's time to move on to another phase. Thank God the winter phase is out. Kinda in Spring-summer now. But constantly finding things that make me stuck - thoughts and mindsets that are hard to break.

A recent thought: It is only Jesus who satisfies us. God created us for him, to praise him, to enjoy our lives as God's created beings. Now then, what condemns us is sin. And sin comes to us in so many hideous ways - sometimes we don't even recognise that it is sin. When we think we can do without God that's already sin of pride - wanting to do without God. Isn't it? Then again, there's better definitions of what is sin and not: ttp://

Sometimes in the quietness of my heart i feel God is asking us to follow him. The call is for every person. Then I actually see so vividly my human soul resisting. Resisting God. Why? Coz the soul cries out - why should I? why should I walk the tough road? Why can't I go the easy way? - because the very fact is that God's way is the narrow road - the road to heaven. Many people don't believe this and just rather walk the wide road that everyone is walking on. I am sad for this.

Other reasons i am sad is because of my weakness as a human being. Sometimes I lack. I lack drive.. sometimes joy.. sometimes.. love for people. So actually i've come to the point to admit that really the only thing that satisfies us is God. It's not a make-believe thing - something eternal that will never come to pass - There are visible results because of God's grace.

Sometimes u say a prayer. Then something good happens. Then we believe. But sometimes we pray and nothing or badthings still happen - does that mean God does not exist? We are ignorant. Rather, we need to search harder to prove to the world that God exists.

Is God a psychological factor too? No. I truly believe in the Spiritual realm where God, Angels and Demons exist. And they are fighting a battle for our minds - every minute. That's why God says pray without ceasing - for our prayers are like warfare helping God to win. If we are for Him, we are conquerers.

But when we do not, as with many of us, many times.. there is no battles won in the spiritual realm.

I need to fight my own battles - but God will do the winning for me. Now i must start by picking up the word of God! Gotta start reading again man!!

Friday, May 4

The labour was not in vain

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. - 1 Corinthians 15:58

When the apostle Paul tells us to fully work unto the Lord, he does not mean we must be working as missionaries in "full-time Christian effort." He understands that all of life is holy and sacred to God. If our motive is to serve God where we are, then our labor "in the Lord is not in vain." (OS HILLMAN, Daily Devotional 3 May)

What am I getting at?

The Ensemble. The OLPS Ensemble. I really believe this labour was not in vain. Although it began like 2005 with a rocky start and it was 'left' into my hands,.. I am so proud of God who really let the group grow over the year and have at least a bunch of committed members today. This is already an achievement to me.. and a proof that 1 Corinthians 15:58 is true - that our labour for the Lord is not in vain.

That everything we lift up to God in prayer will be answered. I prayed long ago for NTU String (which is in good hands now) and then OLPS Ensemble. I also lifted up my service in the OLPS Youth web and website and now they're being passed on to good (if not better) hands.

I am so glad. It also proves to me that God can really use anybody and that I am not indispensable.

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