Saturday, January 27


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Friday, January 26


Wow 2 great articles on the JOY of the Lord.

I was just thinking - I have the JOY of the Lord - despite how sometimes I like to be moody - or whatever is the externals - Inside, there's always this hope and trust in Him that HE will one day bring me to paradise in Heaven... to worship with the angels.. so this is truly Joy and with Joy, we have strength to live the day.

Man.. I also like this quote from the 2nd article - Richard Foster, in his book The Celebration of Discipline, writes this about worship: "To worship is to change. To stand before the Holy One of eternity is to change. If worship does not change us, we have not truly worshiped." Or, put another way, if worship does not stir our souls, does not fill us with joy, we have not truly worshiped.

Worshipping God - is a beautiful thing. Pity we don't always turn to it - but if we did.. it would be transcendential.

Wednesday, January 24

Away from here

Hauntingly pensive... this song is lovely. It's from Kevin Kong's album 'Something to Say' - he's a local musician. The lyrics suddenly made sense to me only yesterday even after hearing this song for some time. I never realised.. how deep this song meant. It's beautiful.

Track 8 - AWAY -
Album: Something To Say

Download or click to Listen: ))) Away.wma

I've heard it said too many times before
Regretting all the should and could'ves
If only we had one more day with you
We'd make amends it might be better
Still I say it's all been misconstrued
Just one of our conclusions


Away from here
To a better place than this
A place that's been yours
Since you began
Away from here
No sodden grave can hold you
To a better place than this Fly...

Fly away from here

Some may say their very last goodbyes
With nostalgic eulogies
They shake my hand and they offer up
Condolences and understanding
Still I say that we will meet again
For hope is our assurance


Now I see you joining with the Angels
Being washed anew
Fall into the arms of The One who created you...(Chorus)

Bridge 2:

Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me
I believe His Grace has found you, and set you free (Repeat x2)

On Training and Teaching

In my life as I've lived so far - I found that to ensure another person is trained and imparted with the skills and wisdom that I can share is truly a wondrous joy of life.

A teacher naturally wants to share his/her skills – and if best yet, to impart everything – till the student is able to stand on his own and be even better. Jesus, our great teacher of life – even said, “you will do greater things.”

An initial reading of John 14:12 leaves one startled: "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these." How is it possible to do greater works than Jesus did? Read:

I think of my art teacher – KC – and this quote makes so much sense:

A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown

Monday, January 22

Full House

I am so sleepy! Korean mega-sonic-craze again... watching over this weekend.. about 12hrs worth of episodes.. now there's only 4 hrs to go!

And what is this show? It's called Full House. The one which Rain acts in... I luv the clothes.. but not the character.. why do people Korean dramas never say what they mean to say and say the opposite things instead? They obviously like each other but they say they don't, and they obviously are really undecisive. But think about it... in real life, we can be just like that.. we don't really know who we wanna love, and so we act weird, stupid and idiotic.

But then again, it's so addictive.. and you just want to watch it for the emotions it can bring out of you. Emotions are powerful... and so often we are repressed people.

So anyway... 4 more hours.. looking forward to it tonight.. hahaaha..

Friday, January 19

I Search - Part 2

Isn't it funny? Call it coincidence or the truth that God really speaks to us through His Living Word - the Bible...!

A few days ago, I posted the verse from Jeremiah 33:3. (See two posts below)

Then today I received a mail from CFAN (reinhard bonnke's ministry) which was asking for prayer intentions and also had a donation slip in case I would like to donate anything.

What struck me was that right at the top was this same verse AGAIN --- "Jeremiah 33:3!"

Is this a coincidence or what! (Trust me.. it is God speaking)

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer. 33:3).

Reading further, the verses makes perfect sense, because I've been asking God for a long time now what He wants me to do really and I am like really hoping to hear what He has for me... and also wishing at the same time that I won't be to fearful to hear what it is.

I went on to read the whole chapter of Jeremiah 33 and found that it really makes sense for me now! Praise God! His message of peace, healing, restoration, is like a calming breeze blowing over me. He says he will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past. I don't know what this really means for me but I just know that it refers to my spiritual 'state'.

But i think i need to provide the context for this --- Iwan had shared with me a verse (that he felt was for me) about 2 months ago, from Revelations 2 -- it said this:

2:2 I know your works, and your toil and perseverance, and that you can't tolerate evil men, and have tested those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them false. 2:3 You have perseverance and have endured for my name's sake, and have not grown weary. 2:4 But I have this against you, that you left your first love. 2:5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I am coming to you swiftly, and will move your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent.

Then, this was so true for me... because after the Ablaze youth rally last September, I was tired. I had the 'works', the 'toil' and the 'perseverance'. Yes I couldn't tolerate 'evil' men - as in those who go to church but are just half-past-six about their faith. Yes I wanted to go on in ministry, even though people or my own human wisdom was questioning. But the fact is -- I had lost my 'first love'. That of God. I was more disappointed because I expected God to make things so much more different. I wanted more people to serve in the ministry. I wanted many things... and held a grudge with God for calling me to do this 'difficult' work of ministry. So the message was to repent.

With that context in place, this new verse makes more sense. God is coming to restore this land to what it was in the past. My spiritual relationship with Him. And the last line especially:

Jer 33:26 "I will never abandon the descendants of Jacob or David, my servant, or change the plan that David's descendants will rule the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead, I will restore them to their land and have mercy on them."

The word 'abandon' is special to me. Because the very first time I heard God speak in my heart at the Youth YISS camp in 1999, it was the phrase, "I did not abandon you!" (I did not forget you...)

Isn't this really a visible way God speaks to his people and encourages His believers?

I urge you, if you are reading, to pray to Him and let God speak to you in the deepest recesses of your heart.

Read Jeremiah 33:

About the Letter F...

Met Pauline for lunch today and we talked briefly about resolutions for the year, and realised that I haven't thought more about my very nicely put-together "F"s of Focus and Future.

And so I thought, actually that I have a lot more "F"s to contribute to this year's main statement which is "to Focus on the Lord and have faith in the future".

Haha it's really "FUNNY!" Now be prepared - we're back to sesame street and today's new letter of the alphabet is........... "F"!

Here I Go....

Forward not backward - it's the positive mindset - to keep going always...

Fool for Christ - in that the ways of Christ seems foolishness in the eyes of the world.. "Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's Sight." (1 Corinthians 3:18-19)

"We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable, but we are despised" (I Cor. 4:10). Christians may hurt when they are called fools, but I had rather be a fool in the world's eyes than one in God's sight.

Freelance - GO ahead to establish my passion as a musician & web designer.. I really wanna play music, and do web design, but everything is half-hearted out of fear. NO FEAR. Forward! Feisto. fa lalala .... I CAN DO IT!

Failure - Do not fear!!

But... Fear Only the Lord -- "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and. instruction ... The fear of the LORD is understanding" (Prov. 1:7; 9:10).

Finance a Trip to Nepal - I seriously need to save for this...

Learn Diving -- and see Fish?! This is not exactly an "F". Literally, it's 'diving in the seas'.

Fish -- Metaphorically, it means... learning to dive into the world of lost souls and 'fish' for souls. In other terms, evangelisation. For scripture says, "Follow me... and I will make you fishers of men."(Luke 5:11)

Fitness --- Brush up on my blading - no more gym. Just want the healthy natural sport with outdoor air.

Filipino! -- Learn a new language. Since Japanese would probably cost a bomb to learn well (plus my art classes ongoing!) cheaper new language is Filipino! Just next to me.. I'll learn from my mama penny! Weird i just got this idea today.

Then I also realised that the new OLPS ensemble would be playing for the "migrant mass" in the future - and that means, for the filipinos... which means.. there may be something about this funny small spark.

What a Fantastic "incredible" list.. a bit too Fanatic... I must be Frightfully mad...

Anyways, for now,... I shall let the dreams 'ferment' and grow... and I shall see 'fruit' in time to come! This calls for Faith, yes,... faith!!

Wednesday, January 17

I search...

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer. 33:3).

Heavenly Exceprts

More excepts from the Book "The Heavenly Man"

All genuine revivals of the Lord result in believers responding with action and soul winning. When God truly moves in your heart you cannot remain silent. There will be a fire in your bones, like Jeremiah, who said, “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; in deed, I cannot.” Jeremiah 20:9

Furthermore, it’s only when we step out in obedience and share the gospel with people that we come to know God’s blessing in every area of our lives. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote to his co-worker Philemon, “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” Philemon v.6

I’m talking about a heart to establish God’s kingdom in the most gospel-starved and spiritually dark areas of the world, where nobody has even heard the name of Jesus. When you start putting your time, prayers and finances there you will soon experience God’s blessing on the work of your hands.

The Great Commission has not changed. There are many churches trying to create a heaven here on earth, but until the Western church obeys the Great Commission and takes the gospel to the ends of the earth, people are just playing with God and are not really serious about the truth. Many churches look beautiful on the outside but are dead where it counts, on the inside. If you truly want to see God move, the two main things you must do is learn the Word of God and have the obedience to do what God tells you to do.

Friday, January 12

Sermon on Obedience and Repentance

I've been reading the book 'The Heavenly Man' recently and it's mind-blowing. Seriously mind-blowing. It revolutionises your perspective of christianity, living ''all-out" for God, and doing His work. What I do is no where in comparison with this remarkable 'heavenly man' called Brother Yun. I'm amazed at his adventures in preaching the Gospel, his relationship with God, his total conviction and love for God. It makes anyone who read it feel ashamed for not doing more for God, for not having that pure heart for God. View his sermon here:

Brother Yun - Heavenly Man (video) by Brother Yun
Description: Brother Yun speaking at Great St Mary's Church, Cambridge. His account of persecution, escape but most of all his faith inspires obedience to following God. On 26th February 2004, 1500 people packed out Great St Mary's Church to hear the remarkable testimony of Brother Yun and Brother Peter Xu. Brother Yun is one of China's house church leaders, a man who despite his relative youth has suffered prolonged torture and imprisionment for his faith. Instead of focusing on the many miracles or experiences of suffering, however, Yun prefers to emphasize the character and beauty of Jesus. His story was told in the best selling Christian book of 2003 - The Heavenly Man by Paul Hattaway. Accompanying Brother Yun was Peter Xu, a house church leader who was imprisoned with Brother Yun in 1997 in Zhengzhou Number One maximum security prison, when Brother Yun had a miraculous escape.

Eric Elvis Chan!

Look at mee daddy enjoying himself... heh! He's a real Elvis fan!

Saturday, January 6

New perspectives for 2007

Been wanting to blog since Dec but the holidays were too good.... heheh..

Anyway, what I want to write today is about how God is lifting me up. I believe He is ever so patient and kind. Marlene is pretty excited about ministry these days and its been a great faith booster for me.

I still recall in mid-September, on the 18th to be exact, I was typing the list of things we've done in Youth Arise Ministry for the past year since 18th Sept 2005 when we started officially meeting in OLPS. I sent out that document, but was accompanied by the heavy feeling of discouragement and doubt of whether people would even read it or not.

The next few months was obvious, no inspirations from my side. Dryness. I was to be stuck in that situation for the next 3 months, till Dec. This was a time where I struggled and the passion to serve God felt like a flame being snuffed out.

During the christmas break I had from 23rd to 30th, it was a nice uplift though. It has been fun and relaxing. I truly enjoyed myself with my KC friends, one or 2 JC friends, Art class friends, Elaine & Claire, Colleen & Adeline.. this was a good time for me to finally tell myself, time to get up again and get to work - both in my personal and ministry life.

Just the other day, I was reflecting That our purpose in life should not simply be to 'make a living' and 'enjoy life' -- there's something more that we were created for -- To know God.

Today, I read from the TGIF devotional too, that God uses our failures to increase our Godliness - not to disqualify us. I learnt that I should not use my so-called 'failure' to make a big impact in YAM to say that I am not a good leader, but because of that, learn to depend on God more.

So then, I did a good sorting out of my old ministry notes today and found many inspiring articles and notes that I had collected over the past 2 years. Will be bringing them to ministry session today and show everyone.

For 2007 ahead, I don't know what is going to happen, but I know what I will face. With that, I can be prepared, yet open to all situations and yet also fully dependant on God.

I thought of many words to use as my 2007 resolutions... but the "F" words keep standing out this round.. hehe!:
- Focus - on the Lord
- Fight the Good fight of Faith
- Fear the Lord
- Face the Lord (seek his face - which means, the light)
- Fitness, Fight flab
- Future not past
- Fire filled
- Freedom of Spirit

Cool eh!!

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