Sunday, December 30

After some thought... my 10 goals.

Ok I've got some goals now! Haha... after some thinking & planning.... I know some friends who don't like things to be too structured or fixed. But it's really fun and challenging actually to have goals in your life, so there's something to work towards to!

And of course, while there are goals in every area we're invovled in like work or hobbies, these are kinda like my personal goals.

2008 --- "To Live, Laugh, Love & Learn"

Here goes:
1. Visit a new eating joint or attend a concert every month
2. Take up Japanese Lessons
3. Save up $$$ for Japan trip at the end of the year
4. Play violin in a musical or drama
5. Do up my 2 incomplete web projects
6. Get the string quartet a name, and publicity
7. Do ART works for an exhibition by end year
8. Exercise every 2 weeks
9. Learn!!! a. Mum's stuff (maybe only); b. About stocks; c. Healing
10. Work on a resume update and 'upgrade' myself

There goes! Hefty work there eh?

But it's feeling fun and positive at this point of time. Must be the festive christmas mood still in me. Or the recent retreat at safra - which felt truly "away" from the world... ;)

Me, Abi & Mar all synchronised...

At KC's art exhibition at MICA. So here's PuayLit, KimChit, Kris & me:

Wednesday, December 26

Cool things

I think people who sail are cool. Just remembered my langkawi trip.... we went out on a little "sailing tour" with a guide who kept the sail afloat for me, Mar & Van.

I think people who set up their own business are cool. Now there are 2 of my friends who are into something like that. Awesome.

I think putting up a musical is cool. My dream is really to play in a musical. Or you could call it -- a production. A play. Whatever. Maybe to compose music for that - though i'd rather just play first. Man... maybe that might come true next year?!?

I think travelling all around the world is cool. It's just so awesome to get beyond ourselves, see the world beyond singapore, become small and expand your horizons beyond.

I think falling in love is cool. And i'm only saying this coz it's been a long time being single. Wahahaa.. Not because I am desperate or anything.

I think God is cool. It is really awesome to be able to evangelise our faith without feeling ashamed. If I could talk about my faith like how Aunt Theresa does, I'd be proud of myself.

I think I am not as bad as I think I am. I am very blessed. Don't know why I always like to forget that point.

I think Life is really what you make it out to be. It's all about attitude, mindsets, and where there is a will, there is a way. IF we want to live it up, we will live it up. IF we do not want to, we will not ever get there.

BUT sadly, there are times where this statement does not work. When people want to do something, but cannot. When circumstances are overwhelming. When life simply does not let up, no chances, no opportunities. The rich get richer, poor remain poor. It is therefore sometimes true that life isn't "fair".

I am digressing... those are such uncool things...

Back to what's cool....

What's cool is to be able to walk on the streets and not be self-conscious but be happy for who you are and what you are doing, etc. aka... to be confident.

ANd lastly... what is cool is to have dinner with your friends and laugh and share about your dreams in life. It works for family too.

God Bless and Happy Boxing Day.

I had a field day today at Science Centre's DAT exhibition with Ram... and a beautiful time playing Nintendo Wii at RL's house and dinner at Giraffe with the olps ensemble people.

Thank you all for making my day special!

Sunday, December 23

Making goals for 2008

It's come to the time of the year when we think of our new year resolutions - yes, amidst all the christmas celebrations and festivities.

As for me, yes i've been thinking, dreaming,.. wondering, praying. It's a nice time, where we try to evaluate our life and look towards a new year ahead, giving ourselves new goals, new hopes and joys to live up to.

I'm in a generally positive mood - really into the Christmas spirit this year. But ironically, it's more of the christmas-shopping spirit.. wahaha. I guess, ministry has been a bit overdose for me this year, and i really need to balance my life out with some "me" time.

Anyways, now it's time to thinking of goals, and in my usual fashion as with previous years, I'm going to once again choose a letter and fix some inspirational words to it to motivate me through next year. Haha.. this is like "count dracula" and so the letter of the day is "L"!!!

Next year in 2008, i'm thinking some things to fulfill:
- Live life in the Light of Christ (not easy!)
- Laugh - be joyful, be merry, positive
- Love - be loving, love myself, etc...
- Learn - still want to learn Japanese; Learn new things at work

Uhm including some NON-L items like... :
- Going for confession more
- Complete my 2 Web Projects from 2007 so i can get my cert
- Save up a trip to Japan for end year. Don't ask me why. I just wanna go there.

Ok... so that's it... anyway, all these might still change! Moreover, basic commitments would already see me to the brim of each day - I think I would really literally "live life to the fullest" once again, where each day has only 24 hrs but it would be filled. My commitments?:

2. OLPS Youth
3. YAM; SACCRE Youth
4. OLPS Ensemble
5. ART Class
6. Exercise?

Still have to finish my 2 web projects from the course i did this year. Man.. I am so lazy! Maybe I should have one of my goals to be "LAZY-NOT!!!!!"...

Let's now see a little review of my past year's "mottos":

2007 - "F" - Focus on the Lord; Have Faith in the Future! Read More (the others are not the actual goals, just more possible "F". I didn't achieve them however).

2006 - "A" - Ambition - being ambitious for God, having greater expectations; Aware - of what is happening around me; There's a 3rd "A", but i forgot -- didn't blog about it --- probably wrote it down somewhere!

2005 - "R" - build Relationships; be Real - seek the truth; Read - go deeper in knowledge of God Read More

2004 - "P" - chart my PATH; fuel my PASSION; find my POTENTIAL;
Read More

Haha, if you read it downwards, it's like "Farp"... ok no pun intended.

Re-quote Vivienne Yeo's Poem on Passion:
"When I have passion I have strength, My energy is boundless; When I have passion, I know no failure, My lows lead me to my highs. When I have passion, success is always believable, Trying hard is a joy rather than toil;When I have passion, I am happy, Doing is no different from being.What fires my soul is the magic of passion, A melding of belief and single-minded focus - Noble goals and lofty dreams, Talent and opportunities....... "

Saturday, December 22

X'mas Tree!

My new Christmas Tree!!! Just set it up today... while listening to christmas songs... really brightens up the mood & the house... and it's never too late!

ANyway.. it's kinda sweet that on the wall you can see our family picture... with the title "love". I think... christmas is all about Love (aka God) coming to our world... the birth of Jesus, which touches and melts our hearts - gives us hope, courage, new life. And thinking of the whole birth of Jesus thing - deep inside I'm filled with gratitude for this "saviour" who came and gave us hope of eternal life. He alone is worthy of our praises!

God Bless you this Christmas!

Monday, December 17

Feeling dreamy

Been a rollercoaster... busy, tired, sick, yet I've done so many cool things the last 2 weeks... 2 string gigs - the recent one last Wed at a Monsoon Hair Workshop! ANd the recent OLPS youth retreat that took all the "breath" (literally) out of me... (aka.. i lost my voice during those 2 days exactly!)

So now, I'm just feeling like escaping into another world altogether...

My ideal world… is simply… basking in the sunlight… enjoying life. The imagery of hills and flowers pop into my mind… there are butterflies… a vast big blue sky…. Warm sunlight… I am lying under a big tree… swinging on a wooden swing… higher.. and higher…. Touching the sky… And I jump off and roll onto the grass…. And just lie there… creating figures out of the wonderful cloud formations in the sky…. And then, there is music playing in the background. A string quartet… playing ‘the girl with the flaxen hair..’ I roll over to my art stand and dab another splotch of colour onto the canvass… Beyond this hill, is the sea… with the setting sun and horizon in the distance. The sky turns red, orange, gold… and the glorious sun begins to set… And I return home to a family, the people I love to a wonderful meal together.

Now I wanna go back and do my incomplete website project.. but when will I have the time for that? HmmmmmM!!!!!!

My barely completed site:

Life -- I've made it busy -- Hope I can keep it fun...

Wednesday, December 12

Good thoughts for 2008

It's really quiet now as I'm typing this.... And so its 2am and i'm now more awake again... just thinking about 2008's goals.. u know i always have a yearly resolution. This year, it was 2 "F"s -- focus on the Lord and have faith in the future. I think both areas are being fulfilled even as I speak. So that leaves me time to think about next year! I am thinking of "L" -- Live, Laugh & Love. Maybe Learn a new language (japanese). So that's the 4 Ls..... wahaha.. so typical.

After the choice weekend, it was back to daily life and much planning for the Olps Youth retreat, olps ensemble practices and also the String Quartet gig.

Yes, I must rant about it.... we did a gig last Sun 2nd Dec at Shangri-La. Once again, the sense of fulfillment (even though sound system was once again - bad! You just wonder... what do those sound guys do?). Well, after that, the quartet (WH, CL, KY & me) went to Paragon's indonesian restaurant opposite Din Tai Fung for dinner. A superb one at that.. only $15 but a sumptious spread. Maybe we were hungry!

Aren't we looking good? ahahahaa... i just did my hair that day before....

THEN, came the YISS from 6 - 9 Dec... which I must also rant about. It was one of the best YISS I have served in. I was a facilitator with GAVIN! We both were in the same group in 1999 where it was then called "El-Elohim!". And now, we were co-facilitating a group together some 8 years later..... How wonderful is that! ;) God rocks!!!

My group: "Abiding"

Once again, this YISS is so special. So creative. Lotsa Good Food.. ice cream, chocolate, and really good catering. Once again the theme was "Everlasting God" - of course, the song "everlasting god" was the theme song... "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord..." goes the lyrics....

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

That's Gavin eyeing the nutella...


Anyway, I went in a little unsure of life.. thinking I couldn't cope with myself and all my other commitments.

I went a "loser" spiritually, with no more "spirit" to fight.... But I emerged from this retreat, renewed.

Though physically, I feel like "crushed, broken, and totally knocked out" my spirit SINGS to the LORD... because once again, I know HE Is GOod and GREAT and above all things.

I don't know how to describe it. Spiritual High maybe. But it's that feeling of closeness to the Lord. You know you have no more walls of sin and pride between you and God... so allows you to draw near to Him.

For me, this camp worked for me, just as well as the participants, it was also for me. At one point, God's immense love during one of the Praise & WOrship sessions just touched me... and I knew that God is really the everlasting love... that I'd been seeking and searching in the things of the world, yet not satisfied because ultimately, inside, I had decided that I didn't want to seek God.

After this camp, I am brought to humble repentance again and the desire to set things right. To claim my spiritual authority in my home, workplace, and life. To be victorious. As I say this, I even tremble at the thought. Because God's power is so great.

It is so easy to slump back into the chair (and I also worry about doing that again), and just take things easy and just be lukewarm. Just live the easy christian life -- just go church and don't really need to pray other than that. NO. I Dont' want that kind of life.

But... I want an authentic spirituality that brings forth God's kingdom here on Earth. Because if that is not what I am living for, there's nothing else in this world that is everlasting besides the one and only true God, the Everlasting God.

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